Watch the video from our Pastors Joshua and Tara McCauley sharing the vision on our Legacy fund.
Click the button below to watch our feedback report from 24 May 2023.
Payments and Donations may be paid into the following bank account:
First National Bank
Branch: Northgate
Code: 256-755
Account Number: 6269 5161 663
Swift code: FIRNZAJJ

Debit Order Option
If you would like to proceed with a debit order agreement towards the legacy fund, kindly click button below to complete your details and for more information.
PayPal Option
This safe and flexible option is the easiest way to give to the Legacy Fund! Simply enter the amount below.
God has stirred in our hearts that this year we are going to begin the journey of moving from tenants to owners. It is our vision to to be able to dictate our own terms and conditions of when and how we gather irrespective of what is happening in the community around us. Our vision of ‘everyone everywhere every day experiencing His redemption’ speaks to this decision.
We are placing the Legacy Fund in front of you, our Church, to sow financially into this vision in order for us to own the building. We believe that as we start to grow The Legacy Fund we will not only have the opportunity to prepare for our Greenstone Campus, but for more Redemption Church locations all over the city!
Click below to give (reference seed as ‘Legacy Fund’).
Consider now, for the Lord has chosen you to build a house for the sanctuary; be strong, and do it.”
1 Chronicles 28:10