Experienced a breakthrough after hearing about the finished work of Jesus?
Tell us your story!
Relationship restored
I prayed a Mother's prayer for her children and fervently poured my heart out to The Lord for that mountain between my daughter and I to be moved.
On the front line
Every day on my way to work, I listen to a Redemption sermon and read Psalm 91. I truly believe that God will not only protect me, but that HE is using me as a light in this darkness.
Supernatural Favor during lock-down
I continued to ask for His favor and began contacting all my clients, and in the space of 12 hours, I had over 27 orders from new and existing clients
Supernatural Provision
My 9-year-old granddaughter yesterday morning said that she really hopes the lock-down will not be extended as she does not want to die now. When asked why she thought she would die if it was extended, she …
Redemption Worship
I know that when our band stands up that Gods anointing is pouring through you over us. I am so grateful for our worship team for saying Yes to Jesus and being available to minister to so many folks out there.
Healed of panic attacks
I have been suffering from panic attacks and since this lock-down, it has become worse. On one Wednesday night, I had 5-6 panic attacks and I honestly felt death. I had slowly started watching the online sermons from Redemption
Testimony on God’s provision
A lady that attend my regroup spoke to me at the beginning of lock down and said they are paying everyone 25% less on basic salary and her business won’t be able to operate during lock-down.
Healing from Bell's palsy
My Aunt was diagnosed with a middle ear infection and by that next Monday, she had Bell's palsy (paralysis of the facial nerve causing muscular weakness in one side of the face). Her whole side of the face was paralyzed…
Spiritual Growth
I have never read the Bible and actually understood it, up until now. I have never gotten so much revelation from the word of God, I'm actually hearing His voice for the very first time in my life and putting to practice what He says to me.