Gracious Gathering 2025
Gracious Daughters, this one is for you! Join us on Saturday, 29 March 2025 for a time of worship, Word, and fellowship. We’ve got a jam-packed day planned for you, and hope to see you there. Please note that registration is NOT required. No QR codes, no links, just come!

We’re so excited for KidsFest! Parents, register your kids (Ages 3 to 12 years old) for a day with us and experience Jesus while having fun with prayer, worship and scriptures.. Registration is essential and costs R85 per child.

Water Baptism
Declare your faith!
If you’ve accepted Jesus as your Saviour and are ready to make a public declaration of your commitment, we invite you to be water baptised at our church.
Brave Gathering
Brave Gathering is happening THIS Saturday at our Greenstone campus. Men, we can't wait to fellowship with you so come on through and bring a friend! Registration is free but essential. Click the link below to register!

Discover Redemption
An evening where you have an opportunity to take your next step in your Redemption journey and become a partner.