Redemption Kids
Redemption Kids believes in teaching the next generation about the work of Jesus Christ in a fun and safe environment that builds them up.
Redemption Youth
We are committed to seeing youth encounter and continue to have a personal relationship with Jesus through His Word and Church.
Gracious Daughters
Gracious Daughters is our women’s ministry at Redemption Church. We gather to glorify one name and one name only: JESUS.
Brave is our men’s ministry at Redemption Church where men are encouraged to walk in their true identity through the preaching of the finished work of Jesus.
We’re here to help you cultivate a healthy and strong marriage and family. Our desire is to equip marriages with a solid foundation.
We would love to connect and journey with you! Complete the form below and someone from our Pastoral Team will contact you.
Jesus Cares
Jesus Cares is our social justice initiative that aims to help the many individuals that are in desperate need, looking at how to best assist and support them.