• Redemption Kids

    Redemption Kids believes in teaching the next generation about the work of Jesus Christ in a fun and safe environment that builds them up.

  • Redemption Youth

    We are committed to seeing youth encounter and continue to have a personal relationship with Jesus through His Word and Church.

  • Gracious Daughters

    Gracious Daughters is our women’s ministry at Redemption Church. We gather to glorify one name and one name only: JESUS.

  • Brave

    Brave is our men’s ministry at Redemption Church where men are encouraged to walk in their true identity through the preaching of the finished work of Jesus.

  • Marriage

    We’re here to help you cultivate a healthy and strong marriage and family. Our desire is to equip marriages with a solid foundation.

    We would love to connect and journey with you! Complete the form below and someone from our Pastoral Team will contact you.

  • Jesus Cares

    Jesus Cares is our social justice initiative that aims to help the many individuals that are in desperate need, looking at how to best assist and support them.