Testimony on God’s provision

Testimony from a Regroup leaders: A lady that attend my regroup spoke to me at the beginning of lock down and said they are paying everyone 25% less on basic salary and her business wont be able to operate during lock-down.

She had concerns but has the faith that her provision is in the Lord, we prayed and she has been soaking herself with JP’s sermons, Redemption’s daily devotions and Redemption’s sermons in this time of uncertainty, taking communion each day, sometimes more!!

The day after we spoke she sent me a Whatsapp showing me a photo of a large amount. She asked to trust with her and pray as she has submitted a quotation proposal to a client for that amount!! Exactly 1 week later....the proposal was approved!

“In such uncertain times Be still, wait on the Lord because HE provides !! Though I walk....I will fear no evil!!’ Good measure! Shaken down and running over!! God is good!!”


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