Redemption Worship

This morning I did devotions with Pastor Josh & Tara and decided I needed to spend time with the Lord. While listening to Pastor Anne on her live social media chat yesterday I was so encouraged to worship. My idea of worship is singing to our Abba, but everyone knows that I can’t sing so decided I would do what I can do and that is pray.

I put on my playlist and started to listen to different worship song’s, Lauren Daigle , Hillsong, Bethel. I tried all my favorites: ‘you make me brave’; ‘raise a hallelujah’; ‘good good Father’ but just felt like I could not connect. I then went to my videos and listened to some of the bits I record in our services. I then put on Overcome and repeated that for about 10 times. I went and listened to the worship set for Sunday and kept on rewinding and repeating.

I listened to our Redemption CD. I spent about 3 hrs just praying under the anointing of your music. I want to say this today: You CAN sing and maybe sometimes it’s just part of the job BUT for us people out here it is much much more than that. I know that when our band stands up that Gods anointing is pouring through you over us. I am so grateful for our worship team for saying Yes to Jesus and being available to minister to so many folks out here.

On the 7th April I prayed for new songs straight from the throne room of Grace to be released through you and I believer it now more than ever. Thank you, thank you thank you - we so appreciate you all.


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