All you need to hear…

Have you ever had days where nothing feels like it is going your way? You end up frustrated and start to feel alone. Like you’re facing all these battles inside your head and you can’t tell anyone because it seems like nobody cares? And even when they do care, they can’t do anything about it…

We have all had those days my friend and you’re not alone. Days where the purpose of life seems lost and non-existent, like there is no hope or future for you. Let’s be honest, there are things each one of us struggle with and we don’t always know what to do in that moment. We wish the world would swallow us up and we could just disappear. And in that moment, you have no words, you have no hope and for some odd reason you want to stay there, because you feel helpless, lost and alone…

In times like that all you need to hear is, “I love you”.

And don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking about love from a boyfriend/girlfriend or even any other person. I mean from your heavenly Father. The one who loves you more than your mind could ever comprehend, the one who gave his son so that he can have a close relationship with you. He chooses you…

“Why do I need to hear he loves me? I know he loves me.” My friend, sometimes we know in our heads, but we don’t believe it in our hearts. If God loves you, doesn’t that mean he has a plan and future for you? If he loves you, don’t you think he will heal you from the pain and hopelessness you might be feeling in that moment? YES, He will... why?? Because HE LOVES YOU…


We tend to forget that when we go through something, the devil tries to keep our focus on the situation and not your position. And your position is a beloved child of God. That means ALL the promises of heaven are yours, because of Jesus.

After Jesus was baptised, God said: “This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased.” Jesus then went into the wilderness for 40 days and nights. Then the devil came to tempt and distract him. The devil kept saying “If you are the son of God do this, if you are the son of God do this...” There is one world the devil kept leaving out, and that is the word, “beloved”. Why would he leave that out? I’ll let you think about that one, wink wink…


My friend, today know that even though sometimes we feel like God isn’t answering all our questions or isn’t helping us with all our tasks or difficulties that He is always whispering to our hearts that He loves us and He’s got us in the palm of His hands. Stop for a moment amidst the rush and meditate on what His love for you and He will give you strength, peace and direction.


Who is Jesus to you?

