Loin Belt

Ephesians 6: 14 stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth having put on the breastplate of righteousness,

Paul was in a Roman prison while he was writing the book of Ephesians. He was bound in chains while being guarded by Roman soldiers and the Holy Spirit started speaking to him through his surroundings. God often tries to speak to us through our circumstances. Even though it isn’t the most noticeable piece of armour the loin belt is mentioned first because of its importance. If a Roman soldier didn’t have their loin belt, they were in serious trouble on the battle field because it held all the other pieces of armour together.

The loin belt held the two pieces of the breast plate together, there was a latch for the sword and the shield for when it wasn’t being used, it also had a special pouch for the lance (throwing Spear). Without the Loin belt all the other pieces armour would fall apart. Likewise if we do not have our loin belt on ,we are left spiritually vulnerable to the attacks of the enemy.

The Truth is the word of God the Bible , most of your spiritual armour is invisible but the Bible is so important it was manifested from the spiritual realm to our physical realm. It’s the only weapon that is visible to our sight and you are able to physically touch it. It needs to be central in our lives for us to be able to walk in God’s supernatural power.

God only needs a little bit of your time to do a super natural work in your life even a verse per day is enough of a gap for Him to do a super natural work in your life. Give him a little bit and he will multiply it. Not to say we become “unsaved” if you are not currently reading and applying the word to your life. After accepting Jesus as your saviour it is a done deal it's his blood that saves not your own but without the loin belt you will lose your sense of your righteousness in Christ, you will not experience His supernatural peace or joy and you will not be able to walk in faith toward God's promises for your life during tough times.

I remember going through a really difficult traumatic time last year and all I had was the word of God to really comfort me. Not to say I did not have support from my family and friends they were amazing, but I do believe that the word played a crucial role in empowering me to push through the difficulty I was experiencing. I read the amount that I could which was usually around one chapter a day sometimes less, it was difficult since I had a head injury.

John 8:32 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. In 3 weeks I was set free from Post-Traumatic Stress and my mental functioning was fully restored,
I went back to competing the following month and even won a bronze medal at the 2019 Gauteng Powerlifting Championships after only being able to train for two weeks prior to the competition. The word of God will allow to walk through the difficult times you experience in life with His super natural power.



It was never your burden to carry.


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