What is the foundation.

Hey y’all, it’s Ps Matt here! What a fantastic day for a blog post. Mandela Day! Today we celebrate and honour the late icon who made such a vast impact. Today I want to discuss what sets icons apart and take a look at why we can have an even stronger standing and deep impact in this world IN JESUS.

We hopefully all know a little bit about Madiba and that without him, and a few others, our nation would not be the same and our lives would be completely different in a negative way. They worked hard (to say the least) and put their lives at risk for decades so that one day our nation’s people would live in freedom and equality. Many people didn’t make it through the long walk to freedom but because of each of their sacrifice, we are able to be the Rainbow Nation that others dreamed of having.

In honour of the sacrifices others made for our freedom, we are encouraged at this time of year to spend 67 minutes making a difference in our communities and serving others. This is a great initiative and we should all take the time to think of those other than ourselves and see ho we can serve practically in our areas.
That being said, 67 minutes out of an entire year sadly cannot change the world for maybe a few days. The goodness we do for others in this time may help others temporarily, but Jesus wants us to live a life that is constantly impacting others AND with long lasting effect.

When we focus on our relationship with our Father in Heaven and spend time in His presence to be loved by Him we will be guided by His peace and Holy Spirit to make an impact so large that whole communities and cities will be changed and filled with the life of God! We all want to see positive change in the world around us and to be a part of making those changes.

When we look to Jesus that is a guarantee! You cannot spend time with God, be filled with His love and goodness, see His heart for others and not make an impact in the world around you! God is an impact making, miracle working God and all He needs from you is your attention. You don’t have to scheme of ways to jam yourself into community and force yourself to be a better person. When you simply spend time with Jesus; love, goodness and inspiration will flood into your heart! Loving others and making a difference in their world will come naturally and the Holy Spirit will guide you.
Jesus said in John 14:12, “I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father.”

So, Jesus is saying that when we believe in Him, we will be part of even greater miracles and impact than He was. Think about that… that is crazy! Jesus on Earth was limited because He was only one man, but because He now lives in you and me, He is unlimited!
I want to encourage you today that if you want to see the world change and you want to make a lasting impact, let Jesus love upon you and change you first.

Jesus has so much for you and such amazing plans for your life. Plans that are not just cool for you but are also going to change the lives of others! Just start with the basics. Ask God where to start, what to read, what worship song to listen to and let Him be your foundation, your rock, and your centre. Then everything that He builds on top of that will be strong, steady and light to those around you and beyond.

-Ps. Matt


Real Talk


Mantaining our mental health in uncertain times.